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Charisma CarpenterOkay, Buffy fans—I have some good news and bad news to report.

Bad news first.  Despite their earlier report, TV Guide now says Charisma Carpenter will not be participating in the upcoming season of .

The good news?  Carpenter actually has better jobs lined up for herself.  In addition to a one-episode stint on Fox’s , she’ll have a recurring role on the new ABC drama, .

Assuming Big Shots even lasts that long—you can expect Charisma’s run to start November 1.

Gallery: UPDATE:  No Charisma Carpenter for ‘The Apprentice’


Charisma CarpenterWhile it’s doubtful a retooling of could bring back Season One ratings, NBC keeps plugging away on next season’s production.  As reported, will be pulling a stunt out of the bag of tricks for his next outing. This time around, the apprentice pool will be comprised of camera-desperate celebrities.  (What exactly would they win anyway? The chance to stay for free at his next hotel?)

For fans, this ratings ploy may give them at least one thing to care about:  Charisma Carpenter.  According to TV Guide, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer star will be competing to get in Trump’s good graces.  Given Donald’s inappropriate tendency to comment on his ‘attractive’ candidates, Carpenter (also a former Playboy subject) could make it far in the competition.  But I’m just hoping her inner-Cordelia will surface to kick monster butt the next time he makes a creepy remark about his daughter.

NOTE:  Click here to find an update to this story.

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Gallery: ‘Buffy’ Star On Board For Celebrity Apprentice

Rosie O'DonnellIn a veritable literary tug-of-war, and are calling attention to their public feud once more. This month, the news is that O’Donnell’s book gets personal, lashing out at Trump with insults that sound almost as clever as those heard on grade school playgrounds. Next month, the news will be focused on The Donald…when he adds fuel to the fire with his own new book. Just a reminder: we’re talking about two professional, career-minded, highly successful adults. O’Donnell’s insults include calling Trump a “slug” and mentioning his famous comb-over. Trump’s book, Think Big and Kick Ass, hits the shelves in October, and the Apprentice host has already stated he devoted some time to Rosie in the book.

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Gallery: Trump and O’Donnell: The Battle of the Books

Bill Rancic and Giuliana DePandiIt’s the wedding of the year! Well, maybe not so much… but it’s an interesting television union, nonetheless. Bill Rancic, who won the very first season of The Apprentice (remember that? when it was good?) and E! News co-anchor Giuliana DePandi got hitched over the weekend. The nuptials were held in Italy in a Catholic ceremony that was conducted in English and Italian. Rancic’s priest from Chicago was even on hand to conduct the ceremony. While Chelsea Handler of E!‘s Chelsea Lately was one of the 180 guests, there were no Ryan Seacrest sightings (maybe he was too busy working one of his many jobs?)... and Donald Trump, although invited, was not present. The couple met when DePandi interviewed Rancic in 2004, but didn’t start dating until 2006. His proposal in December was typical—if you consider being asked in a helicopter ride over Chicago typical. Since both are used to life in front of the cameras, naturally they captured the details of their wedding in a show for the Style Network, called Marry Me in Capri. The show airs October 23rd. The honeymoon is on hold because DePandi has to get back to work—covering the Emmys, and Rancic is set to host iVillage’s “In the Loop.”

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Gallery: Former Apprentice Winner, E! Newser Tie the Knot

Britney Spears Kevin FederlineAccording to reports, all other legal matters have been put on hold, and the well-publicized custody battle between Brit and K-Fed has come to a halt. Everything must due to claims of child abuse, according to Access Hollywood. Attorneys were present in a courtroom Monday to determine what these allegations are, with a county investigation still hanging in the balance. It is not known whether claims of child abuse focus on one or both parents, and it’s still up in the air as to whether investigative action will take place. was pulled over by the police this past weekend for speeding, but reportedly told the officer she was simply trying to escape the paparazzi. Britney is rumored to be under consideration to be The Don’s next potential Apprentice.

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Gallery: Britney Spears and K-Fed Go Head to Head

Donald TrumpThough NBC canceled Donald Trump’s Apprentice, you just can’t keep the Donald down. Here’s what happened: NBC, who is failing miserably in the ratings department, canceled the Apprentice. Evidently, they realized the small ratings they were getting from the reality show was reason enough to stick – so they cancelled the cancellation. This time, Trump’s idea is to use celebrities. Recently, Trump told the New York Post that he’s in negotiations with Britney Spears. Kimora Lee Simmons, Carmen Electra, Joan Rivers, Naomi Judd, and George Foreman are already part of the reality cast. Trump also said that Paris Hilton wants to be involved, but he doesn’t know if they’re going to add her to the cast or not. 

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Gallery: Trump’s Celebrity Stable

Donald TrumpNBC, the fourth-place station that’s willing to try anything to boost dismal ratings, will use celebs to tempt viewers into a new season of Trump’s The Apprentice. Rosie O’Donnell’s spokesperson has said Rosie will not be involved with the show – ever. The Apprentice will come back next year at mid-season with the winning celebrity donating their winnings to charity, instead of working for Trump. So, basically, it’s a huge waste of time for all parties, and just the latest terrible idea to come out of desperate-for-viewers NBC. The Apprentice was actually canceled…but seriously, what else has NBC got these days? So it’s back. And that’s that. Donald suggested extending the invitation to Rosie to join the cast, an idea that O’Donnell’s publicist shut down cold. Rosie is, however, in talks with NBC to consider doing another project. No celebs have yet been attached to this latest Apprentice project – yet, how could they resist the allure of appearing on the lowest-ranking network? Gee, I wonder how this new season of The Apprentice will do with fans.

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Gallery: NBC Looking for Success (Again) with The Donald

ApprenticeJust when I thought we had finally put The Donald to rest, he reemerges to exploit himself once more.  Despite a drop in ratings over the past few years, Reuters is reporting that The Apprentice will live to see a seventh—and possibly an eighth—season on NBC.  Given the network’s poor performance in the ratings last year, I have no idea why they would continue to beat a dead horse.  An official announcement is expected later this month.

Now if NBC can manage to hold on long enough, Baron Trump may one day be old enough to take a seat in the boardroom…

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Gallery: ‘The Apprentice’ Rises From The Ashes

Donald Trump You can’t keep The Donald down. So what if The Apprentice fizzled? That guy can put his name on any reality series and he’s bound to get a viewer or two. He’s currently developing a show with Fox (take that, NBC!), called Lady or a Tramp, where wild ladies will be tamed in charm school. Hmm… sounds vaguely familiar to the Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School, doesn’t it? What’s the difference here—will Trump add an air of refinement? I’ll be curious to see it because when I come across Charm School, I can’t seem to look away. Will Trump be gracing our screen, shouting out the next catch phrase akin to “You’re Fired”? If we’re lucky, he may just be the executive producer, but pop in from time to time to check on the girls. Casting is in the works, so try out if you fit the bill for (according to the casting notice) “rude and crude party girls… younger women who are 18-30, love to party and full of attitude.” Where do I sign up?

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Gallery: ‘Lady or a Tramp’ by Trump

Donald Trump Self-made businessman and New York celebrity has pulled his most surprising stunt of all: he’s fired himself from The Apprentice. Well, sort of. The Donald decided that after six seasons, he’s done with the reality TV show that made him (and his catchphrase) an even bigger household name. Trump says the show has been a success, but he no longer has the time to continue with the project – though the entrepreneur stated he will miss doing the show. Trump’s departure from The Apprentice and doesn’t mean he’s out of the TV loop for good – the tycoon stated that three different networks have asked him to do “a certain show,” and he just might. If it does happen, Trump promises, it’ll be very big. What else could we expect from the Donald?

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Gallery: The Donald Calls It Quits
